

The teaching studio is located in a comfortable self-contained Annexe above a triple garage in Old Boars Hill. It is fully equipped for all our lesson needs. The kit that I teach on is a Spaun Custom Series set up with Zildjian/Dream cymbals, but there is a second, smaller and simpler kit here for younger students too. All I ask is that the equipment is given the care and respect it deserves. I operate an open door policy for any Parents or Guardians that wish to sit in, and wifi is available - but please don't bring your whole family unless you have to! Tea/coffee water and squash available on request.

Guidelines for safety due to the COVID-19 pandemic (Currently not enforced - 2022)

Currently these guidelines are not actionable due to pandemic restrictions being lifted, but I will leave them here in the case of further spread of infection.

The two kits are split by a hanging screen. I do my best to stay away from both kits if a student is occupying one of them, opting instead to sit by my desk and will aim to keep the recommended 2m distance where possible. 


As a general rule I will be wearing a mask when I need to get closer than the 2m distance/sit in on the other kit. I feel it’s important that I can project from across the room especially now as I will mostly be sat at the computer. I will ask you to do what you feel you are most comfortable with and to let me know ahead of time if you are shielding, or if it is especially important to you that more precaution be taken. Please could you specifically let me know before the lesson if you would like me to wear a mask/face shield at all times and I will accommodate this for you.


I will treat all students who come along in the same day as a ‘bubble’ and if anybody does come down with any of the known CoVid-19 symptoms or you are in quarantine for any reason, I ask that you let me know immediately and please do not come to lesson - I am happy for you to miss it without penalty. If anybody comes into contact with someone known to have tested positive for the CoVid-19 virus around the same day as they have been to a lesson, please absolutely let me know immediately, as I will need to inform the rest of the students that have been in on the same day. I will need all students/parents/guardians to leave up to date contact details and sign a waiver explaining that neither I, or Top Hat Drum Tuition can be held responsible in the case that anyone does come down ill as a result of visiting the studio.


The Current World Situation

It’s really important that you feel safe here in the studio, I have my concerns about the whole situation too. I understand it’s a scary time and I am more than happy to talk to any of you if you have any queries or concerns but please could you let me know in writing by email or text message so we can discuss? Thank you. During a lesson we are here to drum and I’m keen to try to keep the lesson time to the enjoyment of learning to play the drums and not get too much into the state of current affairs or questioning the way things are being done during the students time slot. 


Lesson Punctuality and Organisation

I’m going to need to run a tight ship here, I can't be flexible with lesson times and I can't over-run due to lateness. My phone alarm will be set five minutes before each lesson is due to end. This will be our time to wrap up lesson, we need to very quickly finish up what we’re working on, remind the student of any homework and get coat on etc. Please could I ask that anyone coming to pick up a student be mindful to be punctual and be around waiting in the car 5 minutes before the lesson ends as I will be aiming to get things bang on but there may be times we finish a little early. I trust everyone to just do their best in the light of the situation to respect each other’s space if there are any times they need to be in the (not so close!) vicinity of one another.


Looking forward...

It’s important to note that moving forwards I will be keeping an eye on government guidelines and I really do hope we can get back to normal at some point sooner than later, but I think that changes are inevitable for the foreseeable and all I can say is I hope things will turn out for the better in the long run. If changes need to be made I hope you can understand they may come at me quickly and without a lot of warning, but I will try my best to communicate with you all, the best I can - in order to update you if and when needed.

COVID-19 | Important Studio Regulations (Currently not enforced!)

I want to keep everyone as safe as possible so things will be a bit different for a while and there will be some strict measures in place that I ask everyone to please adhere to:

  • Students MUST bring their own sticks to their lessons as I cannot thoroughly clean my personal ones. If students fail to bring their own sticks, the lesson will have to be cancelled or run without student sticks, but will still be chargeable. I will look into buying some fresh sticks that can be bought at the lesson in case anyone does forget but please don't rely on this! It might be worth buying a new pair of sticks anyway, if you can afford to, as they do quickly pick up germs and who knows where the old ones have been!  
  • Only the student having the lesson may enter the building. Please let me know if you need me to consider exceptions (for example parents of young students who are heavily involved in helping them to practise, or new students on a taster lesson), but I need to ask almost anyone wishing to wait must do so outside, away from the studio door or in their car.
  • Please make sure to use your own or the provided hand sanitiser at the beginning of each lesson.
  • Masks - I am letting you make your own decision here. I would argue that you should do what feels best for you. Please bring one however, if at any point we need to be in closer vicinity, we should wear them. 
  • The toilet will be closed for general use for the time being. Please make sure to go before you come to lesson.
  • A 5 minute gap will be left between lessons to allow me to clean the kit and open the windows etc. I ask that students please try to listen to check nobody is still in the room with me before knocking at their allocated time (bang on time please!) ensuring there is no overlap of students in the studio. If the door is open, feel free to shout a quick ‘hello’ up! and just check I’m not just letting somebody out.
  • Nearing the end of your lesson there will be a 5 minute warning alarm on my phone, we need to wrap up very quickly at that point anything we were doing and check that each student knows what to be doing to develop further with home practice, wrapping up swiftly from there and leaving space to do the cleaning is going to be the key to getting this all right, so I hope you can all work with me on this one! Thanks - If we get it right it may mean less cars on the driveway as one can leave a few minutes before the other arrives. That's the dream anyway!
  • Note that lessons must finish exactly on time to allow for cleaning of the room and changeover of students. The doors of the studio will be opened at the end of the lesson for ventilation and at this point the drums can no longer be played.
  • Unless you have a recurring lesson slot, your next lesson cannot be booked in the studio, please book with me over email or message. Students who have a regular reserved lesson slot may make payments electronically - one bulk payment for the months worth of lessons.
  • I ask students to please avoid touching anything where possible – if you need the kit adjusted, ask me.
  • Please could I also ask that students take away any rubbish with them and bring their own drinks as they have now become much more complicated to provide. 
  • Parents/Guardians, could you please give your child a run down of the new rules and make sure to communicate the importance of them before coming for their lesson.

Please do get in contact if you have any other questions.




